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Sharing The Wonder of Science

Sharing The Wonder of Science

“Experiencing Science” describes our philosophy of how we help children explore the world around them.  As soon as a baby masters the basics of moving and controlling their own body and they develop social awareness and confidence in the people they interact with, they move on to exploring their environment. It starts with things within their […]

Why Teach Language Arts?

Why Teach Language Arts?

Language arts plays an important role in the overall development of an individual. At its root, language arts is about communication—the ability to effectively send and receive information. Why is that important? Language arts help us to connect with others, share information and clarify our own thoughts. Connection fills one of the most basic of […]

Why Family Learning?

Why Family Learning?

Children can learn most things on their own. In our home, the bulk of our education came from independent learning activities. I taught myself how to read music, how to do most math, grammar, history and science. Rather than giving me all the “fish” I needed, my mother taught me how to fish, or learn […]

What About Co-ops?

What About Co-ops?

A co-op is a group of people who voluntarily unite and work together toward a common goal. Co-ops (cooperatives) have been around for ages—business co-ops, agricultural or food co-ops. Individuals get together and pool their resources to accomplish something bigger and better than they could by themselves.   In recent years, homeschool co-ops have become […]

Preconceived Notion #1

Preconceived Notion #1

Reality: “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times”… Their best behavior wore off!   The kids started home-schooling with varying degrees of enthusiasm. However, it did not take long for the novelty to wear off and for real life to set in. Kids that did not like doing their chores […]

Finding Curriculum for a Home Setting

There are many excellent curriculums, carefully designed to teach in a logical, meaningful way. As a home educator, the problem was rarely finding good material. Over the years, I used lots of excellent curriculum. However, it soon became evident that those curriculums were written for a very different setting than mine—a traditional school classroom. Here […]

To Attend College or Not?

To Attend College or Not?

I mentioned in another post that I was a big proponent of college education. In so doing, I feel I might have been a bit too dismissive of those who do not put a high premium on a college education. There are certainly some valid concerns that are worth discussing. As I talk to other […]

What About High School?

What About High School?

A lot of people enjoy homeschooling when their kids are younger, but do not consider homeschooling for high school. There are a lot of reasons—concern about making sure they get a solid education and are prepared for college. Concern about the traditional “high school experiences” the child will miss out on. The list goes on […]

Why We Stopped Using Grades

We started homeschooling because we had a child that was not functioning in the public school system and needed immediate intervention. The other children were doing fine. Pulling them out of school was merely collateral damage resulting from the fact that it was too complicated to homeschool one child, have a toddler at home, a […]