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Why Teach Language Arts?

Why Teach Language Arts?

The Importance of Communication
Why Family Learning?

Why Family Learning?

The importance of teaching your children
What About Co-ops?

What About Co-ops?

Benefits you should consider
Preconceived Notion #1

Preconceived Notion #1

My kids will be enthusiastic and cooperative all the time.
Finding Curriculum for a Home Setting

Finding Curriculum for a Home Setting

What works & what does not
To Attend College or Not?

To Attend College or Not?

That may be the question
What About High School?

What About High School?

Deciding if homeschool is right for you
Why Simply Smart Has Parenting Blogs

Why Simply Smart Has Parenting Blogs

The connection between parenting & learning
Why We Stopped Using Grades

Why We Stopped Using Grades

The overachieving child
Boys that Hate School

Boys that Hate School

How to help pave a path to success
The Son We Feared Losing

The Son We Feared Losing

Coming to understand every child Is gifted
Struggling to Get Along

Struggling to Get Along

What to do with kids you cannot teach?
Creating a Co-op

Creating a Co-op

Examples of how to make a co-op work

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