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World History Timeline

World History Timeline

A blank timeline of the world for each student’s notebook

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Help make history come alive for your children

Simply Smart is in the process of developing a world history course for all ages. In the meantime, consider doing the following for world history:

  • Print off FREE world history timeline
  • Use a variety of resources to learn about history (books, videos, hands-on activities)
  • Anytime a student learns about a topic, record it on the timeline.
  • Encourage students to research a variety of topics and write papers, outlines, etc. about what they learn. Include information in their student “Book of Centuries”

Additional Recommendations

Story of the World (Vol. 1)

Story of the World (Vol. 1)

An engaging history of ancient times told in a story format

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Story of the World (Vol. 2)

Story of the World (Vol. 2)

An engaging history of the middle ages told in story format

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Story of the World (Vol. 3)

Story of the World (Vol. 3)

An engaging history of early modern times told in story format

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Story of the World (Vol. 4)

Story of the World (Vol. 4)

A history covering modern times

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