Earthquakes (Jump Into Science)

Voyage of the Dawn Treader

This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office.
The Egyptian Cinderella

Wonder Tales of the Ancient World

Four Seasons In One Day

Sebastian Bach, The Boy from Thuringia

Trees & Other Poems

Paul Revere’s Ride

An illustrated version Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem
Ultimate Oceanpedia (example)

From tsunamis and sea turtles to riptides and reefs, learn all about the creatures, science, and ecology of our oceans, which cover more of the planet than all the continents and are just as important! Travel through all parts of the ocean to learn how it affects of our world, including storms and climate. Amazing facts, photos, illustrations, and diagrams are found throughout this book, along with conservation tips, weird-but-true facts, and a mini ocean atlas. Challenges to the health of our ocean and its creatures are also presented along with what people are doing to keep it pristine for generations to come.
Prince Caspian

Four English children return to Narnia and join Aslan in saving Prince Caspian from his murderous uncle, overthrowing the evil Telmarines and restoring Caspian to his throne.