Simply Smart (LLC) is an organization dedicated to helping families create centers of learning that promote joy, connection, independence, character & excellence. Simply Smart was started by a mother and daughter determined to provide better resources for their own family. As a busy attorney with now seven children, and a grandmother with over twenty grandchildren, they recognized a  new approach to learning was needed that was more effective and workable for families. At Simply Smart, we understand first hand the challenges (and benefits) of teaching children in a family setting. The solutions shared are ones that work.

A mother's perspective

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It has been said, “if you want to teach a child to dance, you have to turn on the music.” Dancing without music is not fun or enjoyable. It seems silly and has no obvious purpose. The same is true when learning other subject – if you want to teach a child math, literature, science or social studies, you need to turn on the music. You need to teach them why it is interesting, relevant and fun. 

My mother turned on the music of learning for me. She filled our home with art, classical literature, science experiments and math supplies. She used to say there should be no line between school and play. Play and school should be the same, and it was for me. My mother said her own education as a child left a lot to be desired. I knew she wanted to learn more so she could help us have a better experience and my mother’s excitement for learning was contagious. In our free time we read, did art, taught ourselves to play instruments, experimented with science and math, played games as a family and so much more. That is not to say that we wanted to do every school assignment, but it is to say that play and school often looked similar. Learning was something that we wanted to do of our own accord.
As a parent, I wanted to instill the same love of learning in my children. I wanted my home to be a place where we had fun learning together and my children loved learning on their own. I quickly found that creating that type of environment while ensuring my children mastered everything was difficult given the limited time I had. My mother began preparing resources to help me. After eight years, this website is what resulted.





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