Minute Man National Historic Park

Opening battle in Revolutionary War
Minute Man National Historic Park

Fun Facts

  • Original site of revolutionary war
  • Over 200 years old
  • Site includes tavern

Words to Remember

Song written for the dedication of the battle monument at the North Bridge

By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world.

By: Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Tour Information

Estimated Time : 1-2 Hours
Tour Options : Self-Guided
Price : All Free
Discounts : Annual Membership
Website :
Phone : 978-369-6993
Email :
Address : 210 North Great Road Lincoln, MA 01773

Notes for Visiting

  • Opens daily from sunrise to sunset
  • Closes during winter
  • The Minute Man Center and North Bridge Center are accessible to wheelchairs. Some trails are accessible.
  • Pets are allowed outside on leashes (not in buildings)
  • Park has “Junior Ranger” activity packets kids can complete
  • Every April they have “Patriot Days”. This is the signature living history event at Minute Man National Historical Park, featuring hundreds of volunteer reenactors with demonstrations, including a fast-paced tactical demonstration (see website).

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