Mona Lisa

Year: 1503–1506
Medium: Oil Painting
Location: Louvre Museum

Think About It

  • Do you think the Mona Lisa is smiling or not?
  • Where is the Mona Lisa looking? Move around the room and look at the painting. Where does the Mona Lisa appear to be looking from each location?
  • What colors does Leonardo use? Is there a wide range of colors, or narrow range?
  • How is light and dark used to make the painting more realistic?
  • Look at the lines and edges. Are the lines soft or hard?
Born:   April 15, 1452
Died:   May 2, 1519

Fun Facts

  • The Mona Lisa was stollen in 1911 and was not found for two years.
  • Imaging of the Mona Lisa indicates that Da Vinci first drew the painting in charcoal.
  • Many historians believe that the painting is of the wife of a Florentine merchant, Lisa Gherardini.
  • Chiaroscuro, using strong contrasts between light and dark, was used to make the painting look more three dimensional.
  • Leonardo used sfumato, the technique of allowing the colors to gradually merge into each other producing soft outlines and hazy forms.
  • The painting was done on poplar plank (a flat piece of wood).
  • The painting is kept behind bullet-proof glass.

Fun Stuff

Learn More About Related Topics

Time Period: Early Modern

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