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Simply Smart is in the process of developing a geography course for all ages. In the meantime, consider doing the following for world history:

  • Print off a map of the world
  • Use a variety of resources to learn about different countires (books, videos, hands-on activities)
  • Anytime a student learns about a new country, color in the country on the map
  • Encourage students to research a variety of countires and write papers, outlines, etc. about what they learn. Include information in their student “Book of Centuries”
Passport to America

Passport to America

Provides a fun review of key information regarding each of the 50 states

View on Amazon

World Passport Series

World Passport Series

Each book provides a fun, concise overview of a different country

View on Amazon

Little Passports

Little Passports

Another option for learning about different countries

View on Little Passports

KiwiCo World Crates

KiwiCo World Crates

These creates are a fun way to learn about different countries

View on KiwiCo

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